30-60 minutes recipes
Lunch & Dinner

Baked chicken nuggets

– Serves 2 – 

We all know chicken nuggets from fastfood chains. Fried, highly processed with low nutritious value. But it does not have to be that way! In this simple recipe you will make your own chicken nuggets. The nuggets get a healthy make-over  …read more

Stuffed ricotta sweet potatoes

– Serves 2 –

A very pretty and tasty way to serve sweet potatoes. Makes a great side dish to fish or meat or can be served as a main, accompanied by salad.  …read more

Aubergine dip

 – Fills 1 large dip bowl – 

An oriental dip made from roasted eggplants. Creamy and delicious. I prefer using the whole eggplant (not just the inside flesh). This adds more fibre and structure to the dip.  …read more

22 February, 2025